Vehicles owned by a company and used for business purposes.
Are you an owner of a company or an officer in Purchasing Department of the companies listed below, and looking for company cars?
1- Car rental company
2- Construction
3- Manufacturing
4- Retail Company ( Giant,tesco,carrefour and many more ) Normally buy for marketing purpose.
We have the solution for you.
We provide a valuable fleet car buying service. Knowing that every car buyer has their own requirements, we make sure to offer a custom and efficient fleet car buying service. We have many category car to choose. From small car to multipurpose car(MPV).
Our fleet purchasing service combines many factors and valuable procedures that ensure the best prices possible and relieve the car buyer of the many hassles involved in purchasing fleet vehicles.
We keep customer satisfaction at the core of our service and thus aim to provide the best fleet car buying service.
Once you decide on your chosen vehicle, we will come out with a quotation.
This quoatation will be negotiated until we come out to an agreed price.
We are committed to the entire process of getting your desired fleet vehicle at a quick pace and without any hassle.
We have a dedicated and experienced team to ensure that your vehicle request and process from start to finish goes smoothly.
We guarantee that you can have the best offer as compared to retail purchases, and ultimately ensure your complete satisfaction.
We are here to work for you, deliver exceptional service, and help you get the best deal.
So, if you are considering buying a new car or fleet vehicle, email me and simply specify your details and the car you are looking for.
Please complete as much information you can, so we can assist you as much as possible.